About us

We, the members and founders of the association, are the students and teachers of the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Our school has only high school students (11-12-13 stages), coming from Düsseldorf and surroundings. Our school provides young adults who are very committed.

A special feature of our school is that we offer schoolcross Russian lessons for all senior pupils of secondary schools in the district of Düsseldorf. On this background our school built on a contact to a Lithuanian school in Vilnius in Lithuania. Since several subjects in the school in Vilnius are taught in Russian, this contact provides an intercultural exchange.

Our colleague and teacher Mr. Igor Sigov (teacher of chemistry and Russian language) was in October 2008 in Druskininkai in Lithuania. During his stay he met disabled children from Belorussia and their overburdened mothers. Because he speaks Russian fluently and Lithuanian as well, he could easily communicate with everyone. He spoke with the children, their families and with the sanatorium management and so experienced, how many commonplace tools that are self-evident for us, as well as the fact that these children are lacking these things.

The great majority of children, whom he met at the sanatorium, suffer from infantile Zerebralparenthese and as a result from significant impairments in the musculoskeletal system. These children are of age between four and 15 years and come from different towns and villages in Belarus to this rehab clinic for a period of four weeks, usually accompanied by their mothers.

The mothers and their children are housed in a four-store, dormitory-like building in double rooms with bathroom. The medical treatment in the sanatorium is very well. Each morning, the children walk accompanied by their mothers to various treatment centers (swimming, water aerobics, massage, etc.) In contrast to the good medical care, the sparse and outdated equipment are catastrophic. There is a lack for example among others of appropriate walking aids and wheelchairs. Organized recreation is hardly available – there is only a play area and a huge outdoor space to romp and play ball games.

So the idea of establishing a Foundation for these children arose, that offers students, colleagues and other interested parties to get involved.

On this background the association “Children of Belarus eV Düsseldorf” was founded
on 15/12/2008 with the participation of our Pastor Hoffmann (Tersteegengemeinde Düsseldorf Golzheim) and teachers of our school.

Our task is to improve the sick children’s quality of life by collecting donations every kind in Europe. With the help of these donations the everyday lives of children and their families during hospitalization will be improved. The donated items are available to both, children at the sanatorium as well as they can be taken at home. These materials include all kinds of rehabilitation equipment, hygiene products, school supplies, sweets, clothes, toys, etc. – in short: All kinds of things that increase the quality of the children’s life. The things that we bring  to the rehab clinic, are taken at home by the children in Belorus and are no longer available. That is why we are always grateful for donations.

The transports to the sanatorium are accompanied by members of our organization in order to make sure the donations reach those in need. The transports in the clinic are paid by donations. The companion, which ensure the arrival of donations in the sanatorium, fly to the Lithuania at their own expense. This costs usually around 300 €.

In addition, the respective organization’s members spend time with the children during their stay in the sanatorium and they offer all kinds of leisure activities.

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